Sunday, May 12, 2013


First off, Happy Mother's Day to you. I am not a mother yet, but I do have two great fur babies. This is Salty Doggy and Salty Kitty's idea of a perfect sunday morning, squirrel and lizard time. They are buddies. Its funny what a year together would do to their relationship because rewind to last February and I would have never gotten a picture of them together. Diesel's level of energy was a 12 and really needed to be taken down to a 2. It was too much for my cat. To be fair, I was told he was 2 when I adopted him and I believe he was much younger than that. He was still in a puppy phase. Ya know chewing, destructive, and endless amounts of energy. He would charge at the cat full speed and that was not her idea of a good time. Im sure he looked like a monster to her. I was not prepared for a puppy.  It took almost a whole year of training and he is now such a wonderful dog. They are best friends now.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This is what I woke up to this morning. Diesel did have his eyes closed, but the flash woke him up.  Don't worry.  He went right back to sleep.  I wish I could've crawled right back into bed.  Stupid, crazy, medical office hours. Oh well, one more day then I'm off work for the weekend.  Woo hootie!

Monday, May 6, 2013


Diesel sure loves peanut butter. I love to watch him lick his lips and teeth over and over again. Just please ignore the commercial in the background.  I wish I could dub over it with something clever.  I am too lazy to do that after a 10 hour work day.